Thursday, April 23, 2020

Sport Update and Covid 19 2020

I hope your return to Term 2 has been as smooth as possible given the new online nature.
Given the Prime Minister's announcement on Monday 20 April and the move to Alert Level 3 on Tuesday 28 April, we have reviewed this in line with guidance from the Ministry of Health and Sport NZ.  At this Alert Level, we will still not be able to run any sporting events for Primary Schools.
However, we are busy working with the board and the Management Committee to plan for resumption of events when we move to Level 2 and Level 1. Once we have more guidance from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Sport NZ on when and what these Alert Levels will look like, we will provide more details for you.
In the meantime, keep safe and look after yourselves and our tamariki.

Kind regards

Lyn Miles MNZM
Primary and Canterbury AIMS Sports Director
Primary Sports Canterbury

Phone03 3735058
Cellphone: 027 2286292